Thursday, September 06, 2007

the long good-bye

First day. Stella, a quiet nervousness. But man I could really use a Kleenex - I even lost a contact lens. The teacher, Miss H., is young and bright and sparkly and shooed us out the door before I was ready to say good-bye. My girl, who I can barely lift anymore, looked small again to me, sitting on the classroom floor waiting for whatever was going to happen to happen.


Anonymous said...

me eyes welled up when I read this more year for me

Nicole Morell said...

It's a mascara-free day, Maria. I tell ya.

Girl Land said...

Dangit all! This is the second back-to-school post I've read at work, and I should have learned my lesson by now (sniff, sniff). Your pictures say a thousand words. You know she'll be A-ok, but it's hard, eh darlin?

Tracy said...

ahhh it doesn't seem to get easier! (1st day 1st grade was just as hard on me!)

terrible regarding the obvious stealing of your co. image. terrible!

and i have been meaning to e - but haven't - i love the soap! (as do the girls) thank you so very much! xo