The duty bound older cousin. It isn't easy being nearly nine in a room full of five year olds.
A balloon sword fight, a Bingo boycott, a collapsed cake and a guest in a snit over another guest's refusal to swap prizes (the Nemo lip balm for the Princess chapstick) were not part of the official party plan. But we soldiered on. The pirate clown and her live bunny were a hit. And the decorations sure were pretty. Pat. Pat.

Clementines and fresh berries were wishful thinking. Out of camera range are the heaping bowls of Ruffles and Cheetos that fueled the afternoon.
This is why I make cupcakes. Every birthday cake - truly, every single one - I have attempted has ended in catastrophe. I can't blame Martha's recipe or my crappy oven on this particular disaster. Quite simply, up until the moment I poured the batter I had two cake pans. I know I had two cake pans. But I could only find one at the crucial moment, and so the minute the cake was done I shook it out of the pan so I could bake the other layer. Don't do that. Out of eggs and out of time I actually thought I could patch this thing together with icing. Don't do that either. People might eat it but they'll also talk about you.
It looks fabulous! How pretty. My oldest daughter turns six in a month and you've given me some inspiration. Too funny about the Ruffles and true, how true...
Aren't you the hostess with the mostest!
I love that I'm not the only one with cake crises but then all they do is scoff the icing and ditch the rest so why do we concern ourselves?
You know I'm still listening to the Christmas cd? I can't wait till next year. I'm already sussing the tunes for yours - think James Brown's 'Santa! Go Straight to the Ghetto'.
I hear you. When I went to bake my annual red velvet cake for Christmas, I found that one of our cake pans was in the freezer, storing stuffing from Thanksgiving. Oh, and my daughter's first birthday cake? I was up until four in the morning trying to get the caramel icing to set. Finally realized that there are some recipes you just can't double.
Cupcakes, my friend, are a beautiful thing.
Crises and disasters are more fun than perfection. Well maybe not more fun, but surely more memorable.
Good luck with the planning Bonnie! Stick to cupcakes.
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