Thursday, January 03, 2008

it's a birthday

Did it fly by? Nah. But I am surprised to find myself living with a five year old who corrects my grammar, critiques my cooking and occasionally offers a spectacularly honest compliment like "mommy your arms are soft like bread." Though I prefer "I love you as much as the sky loves the clouds."

4 years and 364 days ago I was making rental arrangements for a villa in Umbria, never once contemplating that taking an infant to Italy might be beyond my capabilities as a new parent. It wasn't. Yet five years later I wouldn't have the nerve. That's the beautiful thing about this whole adventure: you just never know. Happy birthday my love.


Anonymous said...

Is today Stella's Birthday?
Happy Birthday Stella!
Lots of Love Madison and Mackenzie

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Stella and mom, too!

Anonymous said...

Nicole, that is the most wonderfully beautiful photo. Your accompanying words are remarkably lovely. Hoorah Stella, happy birthday.

Nicole Morell said...

Thank you!
The birthday girl is enjoying every moment.

Susan Williamson said...

What spectacular eyes Stella has!