Tuesday, January 08, 2008

fresh start

September 6, 2007

January 6, 2008

Five four weeks away...

I haven't posted much about the new shop, or my online shop for that matter. When I started this blog two years ago I had no idea what it was supposed to be about, and frankly, I still don't know. Being a literal person I need things to have a purpose. A raison d'etre. This blog is probably the only thing in my life that just exists without explanation. It's the equivalent of a junk drawer, I suppose. A place where I can drop thoughts instead of twist ties and "good" used tin foil. But I find myself wanting to talk more about my shop, about the opening and about the stuff that I find and the people I meet along the way. But I don't want to do it here because whatever this blog is, it's not about selling myself or my stuff. So I've started a new blog. It's a place where I can talk about things happening at the store, new items and the people who make them. I'll still blog over here, of course, everyone needs a junk drawer.

[broken link fixed - thanks for the tip]


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the new store.
Can you check the link to your other blog - i'm getting a 'page not found' error... or is it just me?

Nicole Morell said...

fixed - thank you!

marta said...

lovely blog. just landed upon it. what a fun party and sweet shop too.

angelique said...

All very exciting about the shop! Wish I lived close enough to anticipate its opening in person.

I wanted to reply to the last comment you left on my blog but could not do so directly via blogger (grr - a little peeve about blogger - but I guess you get what you pay for) nor could I find your email address on your site, so here I am. Anyway, Chef Jason says there is no substitute for tomatillos, but you could buy some mild salsa verde and cook it down in a skillet until it turns color (from bright to olive green). Check the label to see what ingredients are already in there and adjust the chili recipe accordingly, but still roast some onions and a jalapeno or two to give it that smoky flavor.

Good luck, and if you do try this, let me know how it works out!