Wednesday, October 17, 2007

getting with the program

Well hello there. Has it really been a week? I am in danger of having my blogger status revoked if I don't pick up the posting pace around here. I have the same relationship with blogging as I do with my gym: when I'm in a groove it's just part of my day. Mess with the routine and it's the equivalent of finding your treadmill buried underneath a pile of week old laundry. Somehow I fell off the blogging wagon; I'm trying to get back on, because I really do enjoy it. And I hope one day my kids will enjoy this chronicle of our lives. There's some weird Blogger bug that is preventing me from uploading images, so I apologize for the text-y post. And I had such a cute pile of vintage gift wrap scored for 25 cents at Thrift Villa to show you.

Now lest you think I have been, heaven forbid, relaxing these last seven days, I assure you I have not. Nor have I been going to the gym for that matter, until today that is when I had three workouts in three hours. With quivering legs and heavy forearms, let me explain. As a roving reviewer for TO Life magazine I'm called up to sample, test, review, inspect and ultimately comment upon anything from chocolate shops (I really can't believe I got paid to do that) to florists, spas, caterers, shoe stores and, yep, gyms. It's a good gig. So today I reviewed a handful of gyms which, frankly, is sort of like a bald man reviewing hair dryers. I'm fit. I'm healthy. I am no longer, however, in good shape. I've really struggled to get back into pre-pregnancy shape and it is just not happening for me. A fondness for Nonna's pasta doesn't help. Neither does Saturday morning breafast at the local greasy spoon. But I do workout because though I've given up on my abs ever springing back, I am crazy determined to keep my heart healthy. After a visit here I realize I do little more than catch up on back issues of US Weekly during my usual 30 minute stint on the treadmill. David, the owner of Aiyoku, a warm, sincere and genuinely nice guy, put me through the paces on this machine, which is the one Madonna apparently travels with (I'd like to see that suitcase) and then this one, which I loved. Aiyoku is a revelation. It's more spa than gym, and I've said it before, I like things pretty. Bergamot-scented chilled towel service? 26" flat screen TVs at every treadmill? Not a mirror in sight? I am so there people, I am so there.


Anonymous said...

Where ya been and MAN, what a gig. Bergamot scented workout towels - I wanna get me some of that. Have you got the parcel???

We breakfast to the strains of 'Red, red robin'. I quite recommend it for putting a bounce in the step!

Sondra said...

Ok - are they looking for any extra help at your job? I want it!! I am also having trouble uploading pictures, so in a weird way, I'm glad I'm not the only one!

angelique said...

I don't know what bergamot smells like but it's got to be better than sweaty workout gear, so count me in too.