Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A good time was had by all.

I'm sorry I don't have more photos to share, but with a glass of sangria in one hand and a tray of hot-off-the-grill skewers in the other, the camera spent most of the party inside. But I do have some entertainment recommendations, which may be useful if there's a party in your future. Months ago, at the opening party of Adventure Valley we, or rather Stella, had the blind good luck to win a party package from Dynamix, which we put to good use on Sunday. The kids were coralled onto a neighbouring lawn for a game of "Kidvivor" - a riff on Survivor complete with bandanas and tribal bracelets. So fun and really well done. The other hit of the day was Ivan Santilli, a singer and musician who happens to be Ivana Santilli's father. He's a lovely, lovely man and really gets the party going with Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra standards and just enough classic accordian to make everyone smile. A fun day.

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