It's been a few weeks of being YELLED AT by my 4.5 year old. And I'M TIRED of being called MEAN. And of having my BEST FRIEND status angrily revoked because I won't allow a pre-dinner fudgsicle. Of being corrected: THAT IS NOT A MONSTER. IT IS A FEROCIOUS CREATURE. Sheesh. Is four the new fourteen? The only thing worse than the yelling is the whining. Interestingly, all this naughty behaviour seemed to start up around the time I began reading these parenting books, which makes me wonder if Stella's weird-o hostility is some kind of reaction to my new "communication techniques." According to this book parents shouldn't rush in with advice and a ton of questions when kids approach with a dilemma. Rather, a series of "hmm," "I see" and sympathetic head nods should result in kids talking through the problem and coming up with a solution independently. Well, I sure do love the theory. But faced with a ready-to-blow four-year old who won't put on shoes BECAUSE THEY HAVE BUMPS. And won't wear flip-flops BECAUSE THEY HURT. And won't, god help desperate, late, me, go barefoot because she wants THE BLUE SHOES. Which are at school. It really only made things worse. I dunno. I'm vexed.
While I'm not one to wallow, I really loved reading Crabmommy's blog tonight. The books are going back to the library and I'm reading nothing more instructive than the new issue of Domino.
:) ahhh yes. and 5 sometimes feels like the new 15. (where did she learn to roll her eyes like that??) so beware! xo
Always nice to know I'm in good company!
Some of this really sounds like my daughter and she'll only be 3 in a week...oh the joys. Thanks for the link to Crabmommy too- that had me rolling because my daughter just recently started using the "are you happy mommy?" question on me and at the most inopportune times. I really think that the toddlers/young children are linked up somehow and share between them "tips and tricks" to annoy mommy. :)
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