One kid sick and the other kid plagued with night terrors. In need of uninterrupted sleep, yes, but more in need of a remedy for vomit on sofa cushions. I can say with all honesty it wasn't a bad weekend. And with that I know I've earned my black belt in motherhood. Yay for me.
This is Henry's breakfast. The egg got a bit leathery; I was distracted with something or other and lost track of the time until I heard the sound of egg exploding in the microwave, but it was still a hit. Here's the deal:
Toast and butter two slices of bread. Cookie cutter out the centre. Crack an egg into the well. Microwave on low (this is the crucial part) for 90 seconds or so. Bon appetit. Thank you Canadian Family for the recipe. It's real good.
ooh a favourite here. we call it "egg in the hole" the hole - usually a heart. cook it up in the frying pan a la here. so good at campanile restaurant where they use their olive bread. mmmmm xo
Have I ever told you that you are the cat's pyjamas of blogging friends? That parcel made my week!
My stars that tree, that fabric, that compilation! Oh, oh, oh!
I'm with you on the sissies bit - sleep is highly over-rated in my opinion. So what if the washing powder ends up in the fridge and the pasta ends up in the spin-cycle. Say it loud, say it proud - Tired But Not Beaten!
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