Wednesday, August 08, 2007

help is at hand

Every day is a bad hair day for my kids. There I've said it. It's not their fault, of course. It's mine. I am an incurable home haircutter, and a rather bad one at that. Stella has been sporting a Dora-esque helmet for 3 years now, thanks to my on-the-fly bang trims. We went a few times to Melonhead and, frankly, she came out looking the same so I kept up the trims at home. And Henry, poor Henry, never even had a haircut until a few weeks ago. He was looking more and more like Ryder Hudson - you know, all blonde and wispy and confusing - so on a whim I brought him to a barber. I told him I liked it long so please use scissors not clippers and don't take too much off, and I think I confused him or he punished my son for having a freaky, controlling mom because the haircut was really not very good. It's short and sleek at the back and sides but very full on top. Like a bouffant. Poor kid.

So hallelujah was I happy to find some stylish kids' cuts today over at cookie mag. I have Velma ear-marked for Stella. And Henry, well, he's got some growing to do, but I'm fond of the Dashiell (is that a boy?) or the Maurice. So sweet.


Anonymous said...

I love that you gave Cookie its props (did I just use that term?). I loved all the 'dos in there. Cute post!

I have "Boots" reserved for my Quinn when she gets just a little more hair. Who names their kid Boots???

Nicole Morell said...

I went to school with a girl named Queenie. Nothing surprises me. Thanks for your comment Sarah!