Monday, January 15, 2007

snowed under

How apt for Mother Nature to smother Toronto with snow, ice pellets and a dash of freezing rain just as I'm climbing out from an avalanche of Globe-related email. Folks, I am grateful, thrilled and flattered that you've found my little shop and I will answer every email. Really, I will. I just need a few days to get caught up on the 100+ inquiries that came in over the weekend.

Here's the inventory scoop:
I am fresh sold out of ready-to-go painted dressers. Gone. I have a stash of dressers waiting for a lick of paint, but these won't be ready for a month. Latex paint needs 30-days to cure properly or it won't be a durable finish.

I do have several cute farmhouse chairs looking for a new home. And I have some non-furniture items too:

Tin panels (from the ceiling of an old, old hotel in Brantford) that would be fab hung in a row.
1930s-ish glass ceiling fixtures: clear/cut glass, blue and a nice minty green.
1950s ceramic animal planters: a favourite. I use them to hold cotton swabs and baby things. I have a couple of lambs, a doe-eyed deer and a bunny
Reclaimed frame mirrors: these are old frames that have been painted (lilac, pink, white) and fitted with new mirror.
Some pretty embroidered pillow cases
Window panes: old casement windows fitted with a mix of vintage and new fabrics behind the glass. A cool alternative headboard hung horizontally, or a neat-o decorative piece. I like to add hooks along the bottom to make them extra functional.

That's about it right now, I'm afraid. The dead of winter is not prime vintage season; I'll have lots more come spring.

I'm also working on a mini sale of samples, discontinued items and a few odds and ends. I'm not sure how best to conduct the sale,since the quantities are limited, so it'll likely be through the blog so stay tuned!

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