Tuesday, January 23, 2007

blinded by the white

After painting my fifth white/cream/pearly white/off-white/cloud white bureau this week I have a serious hankering for some colour. (Full disclosure: Henry's dresser is white. But in my defense, I painted it when I was 35 weeks pregnant and I was in no mood for adventure.) I'm already planning the redesign. And it will be colourful.

Need some real life inspiration? Take a peek at The Nursery: Baby Rooms at Home , Go To Your Room, and Vintage Playrooms on Flickr. So many sweet ideas. Love this, this, and this - that little storage idea is clever.

Yes, white furniture is timeless. It's neutral. It's simple. I understand the appeal of white furniture, really I do. But will anyone take a chance on vermilion? Or jade? Carrot or taxi cab yellow? Imagine what a cheery punctuation mark that would be. Any takers? I'm game if you are.

[photo of teal bureau used with permission from Uma B.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang, just making my way through your archives & what do I notice? You've linked to one of my flickr pics (I'm the second one). Hope you're having a great weekend!
Nan x