Wednesday, January 10, 2007

pretty little things

Some of my own photos of Stella's room this morning, just before the photographer arrived. I found out Monday night at 10:30 pm that The Globe wanted to take some pictures of Stella's room to accompany Rebecca Eckler's Mommy Blogger column (Honeybunch is featured this weekend!). I rallied the troops (my mother and sister-in-law to the rescue) and yesterday was spent fluffing, editing and propping. Her room never, ever looks like this in real life, as everyone at Saturday's party will attest to. And if you open the closet door the hockey stick, Barbies, puppets and books, books, books will rain down on you like a Three Stooges skit. So a few peaceful, pretty pictures to capture a (fleeting) moment.


Anonymous said...

I just read the fabulous article in the globe!! congratulations. When we lived in toronto we saw you at the junction arts festival - you hadn't opened your retail location yet [but i took a card]'s wonderful to see how far you come. I'm now in halifax and hope to be able to order something for my daughter's "big girl room" soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just found you through our comments at I must bookmark your store for more reading after work hours!

Two quick things. That lamp that you have pictured there, I had that as a kid! And the flood of memories that just came to me seeing it again. Wow.!

Second: I'd love for you to consider joining our photo pool over a Flickr for women's workplaces, more info here.

Nicole Morell said...

Hey Emira! Thanks for the invite - great photo group. I will definitely contribute next week!