Friday, December 22, 2006

This is Noby, the naughty gnome who pops up in the strangest places around here. Ususally after he's done something particularly cheeky. Where did Christmas go? It went by in a blur of wrapping paper, Bing Crosby and Dean Martin on the record player, a good-spirits-and-wine-fuelled charades marathon that went on until we could no longer stand (so it morphed into a few rounds of Pictionary, naturally) and far too many truffles and gingerbread cookies. It was good.
But there's nothing like an impending birthday party to get you moving again: Stella turns 4 on the 3rd. The party is planned for the 6th. I prefer colours or shapes to actual themes, so her soiree will be a pastiche of Lightning McQueen references (Stella's idea) and my fixation on aqua, lime and white. And polka dots. It will all come together. Somehow. I'll post some pictures as I pull things together this week. Auf Wiedersehen Noby, until next year.

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