Monday, November 13, 2006

Got the latest e-newsletter from weewelcome today. The big feature is this Mama Mingle event. Like the graphics. I like the idea - it can be a long, lonely year off if you don't have any friends on mat leave with you - though the term "hip" used to describe mothers and their offspring makes me shudder. Too much pressure to have the right bag, the right stroller, the non-stained outfit. Stuff I stopped caring about with baby two. Besides, I was totally reminded about how I joined the WeeWelcome forum back in April, trying to find some west-end moms or dads to hang with this spring. No one replied to my posting. Not a single person. Isn't that sad? It brought every sitting-alone-in-the-school-cafeteria humiliation roaring back.

But I'm putting myself out there again - but in a different way. When I read Shannon's post yesterday it made me yearn for a similar group in Toronto. Like-minded folks who are balancing young kids with a young business and want to get together every now and then to talk shop, compare notes, share resources. Non-competitive and totally supportive, of course!

So if you're interested, give me a holler: nicole(at)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting about me! twice!! I hope you do find a group. I really can't say enough about the never ending support we know we all have a phone call or email away.