Friday, September 01, 2006

Fairies, ballerinas and princesses don't hold much truck with the kid. We chalked up last year's occasionally alarming gender-related query ("mommy, am I a boy or am I a girl?") to the off-kilter boy/girl ratio at her nursery school.

But when she attended a princess dress-up party a few months ago and, faced with a closet full of faux satin gowns, plastic pumps and boa-trimmed evening coats, opted to wear a Spiderman costume with full body padding and a face mask for the parents' fashion show, well,
a few eyebrows were raised among the preschool set. Who knew four year olds could be so judgmental?

Her stereotypes-be-damned attitude and cool willingness to spend the party friendless
for the sake of Spidey was impressive. What any of this has to do with crochet booties is anyone's guess, but here they are. And aren't they, like, the cutest thing ever? I'll be adding them to my site next week. They're made to order and made by hand and I wish it would get cooler so Henry could wear them outside.

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