Saturday, September 16, 2006

Another Fantastic Rationalization

We went out for pizza and came home with our first real piece of art. I feel so grown up. It was a completely spontaneous purchase made at the excellent Queen West Art Crawl today. And while walking to the bank machine, I had an anxiety attack thinking about the much-needed bathroom reno I was probably now forsaking this year, but those scandalous Elastoplast-coloured tiles will have to wait because this quirky, colourful, amazing painting makes the whole house look better. I love it.

With the three-year old hanging out with Grandma for the night, we fixed a pitcher of gin and tonic and set to reconfiguring the living/dining room to find a suitable spot for our big purchase. Lamps, tables and mirrors were relocated, a forgotten armchair relegated to the basement resurrected, my grandparents' antique sideboard (it goes with nothing but I cannot part with it) moved and moved again. Sure, the baby's swing and playpen and Stella's craft table and armchair are now stacked in the kitchen (and they're not coming back) but we eventually found the perfect spot and hung it.

We spent the next two hours admiring it from different vantage points: "Go out in the hallway and then come in from the dining room so you can see it with fresh eyes" "Now sit on the bench. Isn't it cool?" "I want to have people over." And so on. We were practically experiencing Stendahl syndrome by the end of the night.

It's funny. I can buy a $30 pillow at HomeSense and have total buyer's remorse when I get home, but I'm really pleased about this thing that we certainly cannot afford, hadn't budgeted or planned for or even considered, that we can't sit on or store things in, that doesn't spin or light up or otherwise amuse young children. It's the first non-functional object we've bought since we married five years ago. And I'm so glad we did.

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