Wednesday, September 20, 2006

cozy cozy cozy

Two weeks ago I was absolutely not ready to say good-bye to summer. Linen skirts, soft t-shirts, bare feet on warm patio stones. Can't. Let. Go. But then today came along and changed my mind. That fall wind that turns blue sky grey then blue again - all within the hour. Love it. It was the perfect day to try out my brand spankin' new JJ Cole stroller cozy. I bought the original Snuggle Me. It's less streamlined and less fashionable than the new Urban model, which looks and feels like a trekking in Nepal-type sleeping bag, but I like the faux sheepskin lining. And so, evidently, does Henry. He curled right into it and fell asleep - something he rarely does on walks. He looked so cozy and yummy, the way sleeping babies do, that I kept right on walking and walking and walking. I love fall.

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