Tuesday, February 05, 2008

me Vs. your friendly neighbourhood spiderman

Tomboys are cool. I have no issue with that. It's the aesthetic that gets me. And what does SpiderMan - or the Transformers for that matter - know about Valentine's Day anyhow? It may be controlling. It may even be wrong. But I won't buy a box of SpiderMan valentines. I just won't. I know it is only a question of when I will be too girlish for Stella and instead of lavishing attention on our crafty projects she will merely humour me. Happily, I have managed to thwart Spidey and the evil forces of commercialism - this time - with a little bit of old fashioned cut and paste.

A big box of old school Valentines, the kind you have to cut out - no perforations here - glue together the little envelopes (they never stay closed anyhow) and seal with a sticker. She can't wait to get her hands on them. The other cards were made with snips of baker's twine, white glue and embroidery floss along the border.


Rose said...

I LOVE these! I might try my hand at making a few. Thanks for sharing

Rose said...

I've got an award for you at my blog; come and get it :)

Anonymous said...

WHERE did you find the old box of V.Day cards? I have 3 boys and also refuse to buy Spiderman/ Transformer/ Dora cards.
We started making our own but am quickly running out of time...

Nicole Morell said...

The cards were an old Ebay find from a few years ago. I haven't seen any like these in the stores since I was a kid. It's too bad they don't make sweet and goofy cards like this anymore.

Anonymous said...

Maybe there is something similar that you might be able to carry in your new store....

angelique said...

I feel like someone could make a mint by reproducing these old-school, non-licensed-character valentines and selling them as an alternative to Spiderman, etc. Then again, maybe I am totally delusional.