A whirlwind of a weekend: a friends & family event on Saturday to christen the new shop. It was a big thrill to throw the doors open and welcome my first visitors after fiddling around on my own until the wee hours for so many weeks. I'm delighted that my stroller-friendly assertion passed the test. And doubly happy that the kid-friendly claim also seemed to hold: the play kitchen and stack of poofs were popular with the under six crowd. And I'll get to do it all again in four days with the grand opening on Saturday.
On that note, I've decided keeping up two blogs is a bit much right now and I'm going to take a break here. With so much of my time and energy going into the shop I'm a one note Nelly these days and I just don't have that much else to talk about. I'll be posting over at the shop blog here and hope to return to this comfortable place once things settle down.
I'll be back!