Tuesday, October 24, 2006

today's work in progress

Homemade halloween costumes are one of my mother's legacies. Back in the day my sisters and I would look down our noses at kids who wore those cheapy store-bought ones - you know, the kind with the moulded plastic mask with the eye holes that were always slightly off kilter. These slipshod Batmans, Holly Hobbies and Luke Skywalkers smacked of carelessness. Of last-minute candy-grabbers. Of a lack of creativity - the biggest sin in my 8-year old worldview. My mom's costumes weren't particularly elaborate. A loopy mophead dyed red was the capper for one year's Raggedy Ann costume, a floor-length bridesmaid gown with leg of mutton sleeves and a fabric-covered cardboard bonnet during my Laura Ingalls Wilder phase.

Of course store bought outfits today are as professional and well-constructed as anything you'd find on a film set. But still. I am unable to take the easy road. So Halloween prep is in full swing. Stella wants to be a cowboy. It was a knight originally but when she couldn't convince the neighbour to be her dragon all bets were off.

Last night I hot glued this great fringe I found on a $3 tablecloth to a thrift store jean jacket. Today I tackle the pants and figure out how many warm layers I can stuff into the jacket in case the cold weather continues. Henry? He's going to be a spider.

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