Monday, August 14, 2006

Sweet (Pirate) Dreams

My favourite thing to do in Venice is wander. With nothing more than a general sense of how to get back to the hotel (always the Hotel Ala if you're interested) and no agenda, besides penning postcards over a cappucino in Peggy Guggenheim's garden and lunch at Ai Sportivi, I've always stumbled on the nicest surprises.

I'm often asked how and where I find products for honeybunch. I take the Venice approach and wind up in the most interesting places. I madly dog-ear magazine articles, clip newspaper articles on interesting people and things. I keep a notebook and camera with me always. And when my heart beats a little bit faster I know I've found something special (hand-knit cowboy boots for babies. Seriously. I'll have them in two weeks).

And so I don't exactly recall how I came across Ann Wood's ethereal papier mache ships. But they made me swoon. Don't they make you want to sail for Neverland? I'm so glad there are people like Ann Wood making beautiful things that serve no purpose other than to tickle the imagination and delight the eye.

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