Thursday, August 10, 2006

My Other Car is A Cadillac

Maybe it's different outside the city, but us shallow, terribly shallow, Toronto mamas judge each other on our taste in two things: strollers and diaper bags. We size each other up at the moms-on-maternity-leave gathering places: the park, the library, Starbucks. Could I be friends with her? Do we have anything in common? Is that a Petunia Picklebottom she's carrying? It could be vestigal competitiveness from pre-baby days. We've replaced those formerly coveted items, purses and pretty shoes, with more practical but equally important accessories. Sure it's snobbery at its junior high worst, but I could not befriend a woman whose taste in diaper bags leans to the minty green with Winnie The Pooh appliques.

Now that I'm on my second baby and have had to replace much of the gear that turned out to be a mistake with baby one, I can spot a new mom a mile away. She's the one lugging a bulging Fleurville Mothership on an hour's trip to Loblaws. It's like wearing an Oscar gown to a Saturday matinee. It's simply not done. She hasn't learned that you need more than one diaper bag. Oh yes, you skeptical husbands, I assure you it's true. The Mothership is the weekend tote of the diaper bag genus. For jaunts to the grocery store a sleek Diapees and Wipees will suffice. And for lunch with your non-mommy office friends nothing less than one of Mia Bossi's stunning bags will do. They're gorgeous, they're grown-up, and when you doff your Monday-Friday Lululemon uniform, they look good with real clothes. Yes, yes, yes I know they're $400. But there's a way around that, other than amortizing the cost over the number of outings. Mia's bags come with a removable insert so once your bottle-toting days are over, swap out the diaper bag lining for a laptop or briefcase insert. Genius. I. Must. Have. This. Bag. Oh Steve...

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