Monday, August 14, 2006

beep, beep

That's the sound of my horn. And I'm tooting it. It's not really shameless self-promotion. I'm just chuffed when the big guys notice my little business.
August is off to a good start.

First, the September issue of Chatelaine magazine - that's my Stella on page 126! It's the photo I had made into a custom canvas, as a surprise but then I was so excited I couldn't wait and I showed my husband the proof before the painting was ready. This image of Stella Bella has now appeared in The National Post and on She's so blase about her celebrity.

Then Urban Baby Runway , my morning coffee and blog habit, ran a little thing on Friday about my cute birdie mobiles. Hurray! The interesting thing, before anyone thinks I'm making a fortune from free publicity, is that editorial coverage rarely results in sales. So the reason for my giddiness, even though I write for a magazine and you'd think I'd be over it, is that it's still exciting to be the subject.

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