Tuesday, August 05, 2008

a bouncy castle swallowed the house

This really does say it all. And by all I'm speaking, of course, about how children take over. They take over your life, your yard, your closets, your world.

The bouncy castle, which really didn't look that big when I viewed it online, arrived early Sunday morning - the day of our summer party. I was in the kitchen threading veggie kebabs when a glow, as orange as a Florida sunset, settled over the room. The vista out the living room window was of a quivering amorphous blob growing at an alarming rate - to the delight of Stella and Henry - until the spires of the castle reached higher than the roof of our bungalow. I'm confident in saying it was a good party. When all is right in their world, all is right in mine.

1 comment:

samara said...

great pics!

there's this great website that if found that has tons of helpful information to make the everyday topics of a mothers life seem a bit less overwhelming...http://hrbaby.com/