Friday, March 07, 2008

you could say I like yellow

My $19 tote from Joe Fresh. I like that Joe Mimran, I do. He has good ideas.

Cuckoo clocks are also up there on the list of things that make me happy. This one a recent Etsy buy from a lovely girl in Paris who included all sorts of sweet nothings that made opening the box feel like I was getting a gift.

A Tim Horton's takeout coffee that didn't leak would make me happy. Thankfully I have options. Happy Friday, happy weekend friends.


Anonymous said...

I am picturing you on a mountain in Salzburg wearing a dirndl and singing these are a few of my favorite things. Your store looks so fresh. Cannot wait until I am well enough to get out and come see it.

Chikaboom!! said...

I like the yellow bag and the cuckoo cloks is great. Kisses from Spain