Funny, I don't remember donating my old logo to Goodwill, but wow, there it is. On someone's store front not 5 kilometres from my house. Now I'm all for recycling and reusing but it seems to me someone has done more than rifle through my trash can here.
This photo isn't the greatest, I did, after all, take it while driving past with my jaw hanging open, so what you can't see is that the sign is a rich, chocolately brown. The same rich, chocolately brown that I drove my printer and designer up the wall to get right. That I spent a entire week searching Pantone colour cards to find. I might sound glib about all of this but seriously I am flabbergasted. Discouraged. And angry. Honeybunch has been a labour of love for sure, but a labour none the less. I've invested four years and countless late nights, long weekends, savings into creating a little business that I'm pretty darned proud of. Sometimes I make money. Sometimes I don't. But it's always fun and rewarding and I do it because it brings me joy. I'm a little deflated today. It'll pass. I believe in karma not lawsuits, which is a rich irony considering my husband is an IP lawyer. I probably should have listened to his urgings to trademark my art. Lesson #987,654 learned people. Lesson learned.
wow, that is a crazy rip-off. don't be discouraged: you're great.
trade-marks 101: a trade-mark does not have to be registered to be valid and enforceable.
I'd ask your husband to write them a letter just to make them pee their pants a little. hee hee. :)
Good idea Sarah! And only fair considering they made me pee mine.
Unbelievable....however you have an elegance, and magic within your store, and all the beautiful wrapped products that you send out that cannot be mass produced! keep up with your passion and heart, and let karma do the rest!
Oh thank you ms/mr. anonymous. That means so much. Really.
Don't even think that you are going to let them off the hook.
A legal letter is definately in order.
Friends, thank you for your comments and private emails. My heart is full.
too funny ... how is this logo a rip off?
a) we have never even seen this site until you contacted us
b) the 'actual' inspiration was from a friends painting:
We kindly asked him if he minded we use the motif - and in fact he ended up drawing the bee for us - and in fact, I paid him for it.
So please - next time, try contacting the people you are going to throw stones.
thanks and have a wonderful day.
ooh their response makes me cringe and boil in your honor. How rude and there is no denying, especially since you live so nearby, that they didn't steal your design. What arrogance! Sue them to pieces!
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