Standing around the soggy schoolyard this morning waiting for the bell to ring watching this kid, a fellow JK-er, gleefully running through mud puddles, as five year olds do. His smart navy trousers splattered up to his shins; shoes, and surely socks too, sodden. I know what you're wondering: did I stop him? Nosiree, I did not. He was having a good time. But more truthfully, we all slept in this morning and rushed out the door before the coffee finished brewing, and my judgement is simply not to be trusted before the Folgers sinks in. Yes, I felt a bit bad mother-ish about it, albeit in slow motion. But then, my Ebay of the Day arrived and whaddya know - vindication:

It is from
this book by Ruth Krauss and illustrated by Maurice Sendak, one of my favourites.

What would you say about eyebrows? Or a hole in the ground? Well, Miss Krauss, way back in 1952, posed these questions to a group of children at the Harriet Johnson Nursery School and this book of kid-defined words is the result.

And the best one:
1 comment:
Well, that post certainly put a little bounce in my step. I am inserting 'doodleedoodledoo' into my list of words to be used on a daily basis (preferably when ensconced in a puddle). x Nan
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