Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What's in Shiloh's Nursery?

Access Hollywood ran a bit on what Brad and Angie got for Shiloh's LA nursery. Apparently one of the items for The Chosen One is the Angel bassinette . Which is a piece of furniture as frilly, girly, and over-the-top silly as they come. Now the report may very well be, and probably is, untrue, but it got me thinking. This is a guy who named his child after modernist architect Jean Nouvel. A dude with excellent taste in design (if not women) and the money to back it up. So what's with the Gone With The Wind bassinette? Has Brad succumbed to Cutesy Parent Syndrome?

You know what I'm talking about. Basically anything from the baby department at Sears, WalMart or The Bay. Tumbling teddy bears, smiling suns, friendly lions that ROAR, bows for girls, trains and cars for boys. Ugh. You get the idea. I realize that sometimes there is simply no option. My two-month old bobs about in a bouncy seat so hideous (it was a gift!) that I hide it when company comes over or when I'm caffeine deprived. Yes, there are better looking alternatives, the lovely and delicous Oeuf, comes to mind, but why do they have to be so insanely pricey? Sure I could dig deep, lie to my husband and fork over $100 bucks for a stylish baby seat, but I won't. I just can't do it.

Are the only options ugly or prohibitively expensive? Where's the democracy in design? Why can't a mainstream manufacturer like Fisher Price offer an alternative to the blight in my living room that is their unnerving electric blue, yellow and orange-patterned bouncy chair? Say a nice heavy canvas twill in mushroomy brown? Oh, that's right. Oeuf did that, but it's $70 more.

Back to Brad. If he did succumb to Cutesy Parent Syndrome on the bassinette, won't someone from Ooba rescue him?

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